

Martin McCarvill holds a master’s degree in linguistics and has an experience of over seven years in academic writing, editing, and reviewing.
"A good English paper is the one that knows what it’s trying to achieve and how to do so."
"Many journals are not only seeing more problems, the cases also seem to be becoming more complex." Dr. Hames discusses how current ethical issues across the…
We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation…
Watch the second part of our video interview with Jeffrey Beall, the man behind the famous Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers and the author of the Scholarly Open…
How can NNES authors be empowered in an era of globalization? This meeting report appearing in Science Editors is based on a session during the CSE 2013 meeting…
Editors have an important role in handling research misconduct. A session took place on the topic during the Council of Science Editors (CSE) Annual Meeting, May 2013,…
Dr. Kristin Timmer holds a post-doctoral degree in neuroscience and has an experience of over 6 years in academic research, writing, and reviewing.
"A good paper leaves the reader with the author's intended sentiment."
The man behind the famous Beall’s List of Predatory Publishers and author of the Scholarly Open Access blog, Jeffrey Beall, gives useful tips on how authors can identify…
The winners of the prestigious Shaw Prize, which is also called the "Nobel Prize of Asia," for 2014 were announced on  27 May, 2014, at a press conference held in Hong…
The open access (OA) movement is gaining worldwide consensus as more and more countries are joining the effort to make research freely available.