
Conducting Research

In this blogpost, we’ll look at certain best practices to strengthen your regression analyses and make sure you’re generating high-quality, robust evidence.  
Are you an author or contributor? Is this a question that often occurs to you? This article explains CRediT, short for Contributor Roles Taxonomy, to help you with…
This post talks about the importance of alternative/innovative ways to communicate science, how art fits in science communication, and the different forms of art for…
AI tools are being used to write essays, create illustrations, and even write books. This post highlights the benefits of using AI tools, challenges you may face, and…
This post lists some valuable tips and tricks to optimize reviewing a copyedited manuscript.
This post acts as your go-to guide about standardized coefficients -- what are they, when are they needed, how to interpret, and much more.
Data cleaning sets the foundation for trustworthy analyses and robust results. This post uncovers some of the common pitfalls that might trip researchers up during the…
This post lists 3 steps to help you choose the right statistical test for your study. Read on!
This article explores the reasons why authors should actively engage with and adhere to journal guidelines throughout the publication process.
Relationships between variables are tested using correlation, association, or regression analysis. In this post, we’ve looked at some important precautions for such…