A list of journals and publishers that offer rapid publication [Downloadable checklist: 10 Tips to select a rapid publication journal]

Rapid publication
Rapid publication is emerging as an alternative to the conventional publishing model. What is the rapid publication track and how does it work? What are its advantages? Why should researchers opt for this approach? This series covers the basics of rapid publication and lists some journals that offer this option.
![A list of journals and publishers that offer rapid publication [Downloadable checklist: 10 Tips to select a rapid publication journal] A list of journals and publishers that offer rapid publication [Downloadable checklist: 10 Tips to select a rapid publication journal]](https://cdn.editage.com/insights/editagecom/production/styles/detail_page_image/public/2024-10/editage-insights-generic-banner_470.png?itok=bw0mLbmj)
Note: Find a link to the downloadable checklist "10 Things to consider before you choose a rapid publication journal" at the end of the article.
As a follow up to our post on rapid publication, we thought of looking up journals and publishers that help authors with rapid publication. Listed below are a few journals and publishers that you could consider if you are interested in a fast track publication.
More about our list:
- This list is not inclusive, nor was it intended to function as a comprehensive directory listing every journal or publisher that offers rapid publication.
- We have included basic information about acceptance and publication timelines as stated on the journal/publisher websites. We advise that you choose a journal/publisher only after thoroughly reviewing the information about the journal/publisher and evaluating the extent to which it is suited to the scope of your research.
- You might find our tips on choosing the right journal for your paper useful.
- You could also use journal selection tools such as Journal Guide BETA and Journal Finder to seek journals that provide decisions within shorter turnaround times.
Our words of caution:
- Beware of predatory or bogus publishers who lure authors with attractive assurances but are only looking to poach original ideas.
- Weigh the pros and cons of conventional peer review and rapid, post-publication peer review with regard to your research and choose the option that helps your research best.
Journals that offer rapid publication
Name | Disciplines covered | Timelines offered | Additional information |
Journal of the American Heart Association | Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular diseases | Time to publication - 21 days from acceptance | Open access publication; involves article publication charges; offers discounts to founder/partner institutions. |
The Journal of the American Medical Association | Medicine, Public Health | Time to first decision - 3 days for initial decision without review, 40 days with review. Time to publication - 2-22 days for online publication and 39 days for publication in print. | Original investigations are freely available to the internal network immediately after publication, and 6 months after publication on the JAMA website. |
Biological Psychiatry | All disciplines and research areas relevant to the pathophysiology and treatment of major neuropsychiatric disorders | Time to first decision - <20 days (editorial rejections within 5 days). Time to publication - online publication within 7 days of acceptance, print publication within 2-3 months of acceptance. | Accepted articles are published online, prior to copyediting and typesetting, and are citable within 7 days of final acceptance. Corrected proofs are published online ahead of print within 28 days. Articles are published in print 4-6 months after acceptance. |
Gastroenterology | Clinical and basic studies of all aspects of the digestive system | Time to first decision - 21 days (editorial rejections within 3-7 days). Time to publication - 3 months. | Subscribers can view accepted manuscripts within 3-5 days of acceptance as “Articles in Press”; these cannot be publicized as accepted manuscripts or uncorrected proofs. |
BMC Biochemistry | All aspects of the biochemical process | Time to first decision - 6 weeks. Time to publication - Published online immediately after acceptance; fully formatted version published within 4 weeks of acceptance. | Involves article processing charges. |
FEBS Open Bio | Molecular and cellular life sciences in both health and disease | Time to first decision - 25 days. Time to publication - 45 days. | Accepted articles are published online within 5 days. Author-corrected final versions are available within 20 days. |
Applied Physics Express | Applied physics | Time to first decision - 20 days. Time to publication - May differ across article types. | A letters journal – emphasis is given to developing and emerging fields in applied physics. Authors are requested to complete revisions within 2 weeks. |
PeerJ | Biological and medical sciences (also newly launched PeerJ Computer Science) | Time to first decision - 24 days. Time to publication - 51 days. | Offers paid lifetime publishing plans. Follows post-publication peer review. Authors can also submit to PeerJ PrePrints to receive feedback – PeerJ PrePrints are published online within 24 hours of submission. |
Quarterly journal of Experimental Psychology | Experimental Psychology | Time to first decision - May differ based on the type of submission. Time to publication - In print within 3 months (for rapid communications). Accepted (not corrected) articles published online within 7 days. | Uses the ScholarOne submission system. Accepted rapid communications are given priority in the publication cycle. |
Publishers that offer rapid publication
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Name | Disciplines covered | Timelines offered |
Wiley Open Access | Several journals across biological, chemical and health sciences | Time to first decision and publication may differ across journals. Accepted manuscripts are listed on PubMed. |
BioMed Central | All areas of biology and medicine | Typically peer review decisions take less than 2 months. Accepted manuscripts are published online immediately. |
Elsevier Rapid Publications | Available for Clinical Therapeutics and Gender Medicine | Time to first decision - Roughly 2.5 weeks. Accepted manuscripts are processed within 2-3 weeks and are published within 2 days of author approval. Authors are requited to pay an additional fee. |
F1000 Research | All original basic scientific, translational and clinical research within the life sciences and medicine, including negative results and null studies. | Time to publication - 7 days. Articles are published online before peer review starts and are marked as “awaiting peer review.” Manuscripts are fully formatted when they are published and can be cited. Articles processing charges apply. |
Taylor & Francis | Applies to most Taylor & Francis journals but the options may differ across journals | 3 systems for rapid publication: (1) Accepted Manuscript online (AM) feature - The final but uncorrected version is posted online within 5 working days. (2) VoR, or Version of Scholarly Record - The correct typeset version of the accepted manuscript is published. (3) For some journals, selected articles are queued up for the next available issue. |
The BMJ | Medical and health sciences | Average time from submission to first decision is 2-3 weeks and from acceptance to publication 8-10 weeks. Fast track publication offers online publication within 4 weeks for manuscripts that are of exceptional clinical importance and urgency. BMJ Open provides authors with an initial decision within 4 weeks of initial submission. |
Dove Medical Press | Open access, peer reviewed journals publishing in the fields of technology, science, and medicine | For almost all of the Dove Press journals, the average time for peer review is 2-3 weeks and the editorial decision is made within 2-7 days of the peer review decision. The average wait time for the final decision is under 4 weeks. For 2016 the rejection rate across all Dove journals was 53%. |
Click below to download the ultimate guide on choosing a rapid publication journal:
10 Things to consider before you choose a rapid publication journal
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Published on: Mar 11, 2015
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