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Advanced Editing Services

Our subject matter experts ensure that your manuscript is ready for submission, by correcting errors in grammar, style, layout, citations, formatting, references, and more.

  • Correction of all language and grammar errors in the document
  • Formatting of the manuscript for a journal of your choice
  • Your document will be checked by 2 experts
Get a free quote

Preferred by 20,000+ researchers and rated outstanding by 99.5% researchers

Available Benefits

Editing certificate

Unlimited free chat with your editor

Journal formatting

Unlimited re-editing at $0.02/word

Need your document edited urgently?
Our high speed plans guarantee delivery as early as 8 hours.

Get estimates based on your word count

Place an order

Editage is open 7 days a week, 24 x 7. Submit your paper any time of the day.
Get your edited paper back any day of the week.

Money Back Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with our quality, we will refund your entire editing fees. No questions asked.

24*7 Support Available

We are working round the clock to ensure your publication success. We respond to all enquiries within one hour.

If you are serious about getting published,
here are 5 reasons why you should choose Advanced Editing Service
Our editors will format your manuscript as per the guidelines of your target journal, for free.
Included for FREE
Chat with
our editors
We are the only company in the world, where you can chat with the editor of your manuscript, and get a guaranteed response within 2 business hours.
Included for FREE
Editage Exclusive
Protect yourself against desk rejections by submitting our editing certificate along with your manuscript.
Included for FREE
Editing by 2 experts
Two native english speaking editors will edit your manuscript to make it error free and publication ready
Included for FREE
1 round of
unconditional re-editing
Get one round of re-editing for free by opting for our 1 round editing add-on during checkout.

Advanced Editing Service Sample

  • Mathematics
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Psychology

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 01

    What training do your editors and writers receive?

  • 02

    What is the post-service you offer for edited manuscripts?

  • 03

    Can I change the type of standard editing service after submission?

  • 04

    What are the different English language styles you use while editing?

  • 05

    Do you edit documents in LaTeX and TeX formats?

  • 06

    Is my information secure with you?

  • 07

    Will I be charged for getting my paper re-edited?

  • 08

    Do the conditions for re-editing vary according to the standard editing service I choose?

1 in 10BELS-certified editors
across the globe are associated with Editage

Our team comprises physicians, PhDs, MDs, postgraduates, engineers, and even journal peer reviewers who are not only technically competent but also have a deep understanding of the nuances of your subject.

⏰ Turnaround timeWithin 8 hours. Same-day delivery! * (subject to word count)
💲 Rate per wordFrom $0.06 per word
✏️ Feedback AreasLanguage, Grammar, Sentence construction, Style, Citations, Layout
📄 Document typesAll Document Types
🪄 Available Benefits Journal Formatting, Discounted re-editing, Unlimited QnA with editor

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What our editing service users say

  • Editage is very punctual. You can get response to your request, immediately. Also I think that Editage's editors are very experienced. I had some conc...

    Cem Kurt, , Professor

    Trakya University

  • Editage’s editing service improved the quality of my papers' language and helped me to publish my papers easily. I found the quality of the edit most ...

    Cuneyt Kocas , , Medical Doctor

    Cardiology Institute of Istanbul University

  • We are using Editage services for proofreading, since they are far the best you can find online. We are confident using Editage because they always de...

    Maria Folming, , Founder

    Business philosophy

  • Editage provide users a chance to discuss with our Editor directly. I think it is very useful. Since we are not native speaker in English, sometimes w...

    Mong-Wei Lin, , National Taiwan University Hospital, Hsin-chu branch,

    Thoracic Surgery, Attending Physician,Thoracic Oncology and Pathology,

  • The unique and extremely helpful thing about Editage is its professionalism and punctuality! For non-native authors, Editage makes your writing langua...

    Poowin Bunyavejchewin, , Lecturer,

    Walailak University, School of Liberal Arts,

Meet our editing experts

12+ years of experience
567+ papers edited
20+ years of experience
600+ papers edited

*Disclaimer: All third-party trademarks (including logos and icons) of journals / publishers, etc. referred to on this website remain the property of their respective owners. Use of third-party trademarks does not indicate any affiliation, sponsorship with or endorsement by them. Any references to third-party trademarks is to identify the corresponding services and shall be considered fair use under The Trademarks Law. We are not implying that purchasing this service will ensure publication in any journal.