
Interview with Pippa Smart

This series documents our conversation with Pippa Smart, independent research and publishing consultant with over 25 years of experience in publishing. Pippa talks about a variety of topics, from changes in the roles of editors, publishers, and librarians to how journal editors can develop their skills better and publish high-quality publications. She focuses on the challenges faced by journal editors especially with regard to finding peer reviewers in time. Based on her interactions with authors, editors, and publishers in developing countries, Pippa highlights visibility and credibility as the topmost challenges in the journals publishing scenario in developing countries. Towards the end of the interview, she talks about her experience editing the Science Editors’ Handbook. Pippa’s incisive understanding of journal publishing and the concerns she expresses about some issues in the science communication landscape are the highlights of this interview.

Part 01
Pippa Smart is an independent research communication and publishing consultant with over 25 years of experience in publishing. She is the owner of PSP Consulting, a company that offers advice and…
Part 02
Pippa Smart is the owner of PSP Consulting, a company that offers advice and consultancy services to publishers, journals, and editors across the world. She advises publishers (particularly non-…