"Predatory publishers use lots of tricks to make people think that they are legitimate"

Interview with Jeffrey Beall
Jeffrey Beall is a librarian renowned for his activities against predatory open access publishing, and the author of the blog Scholarly Open Access, where he maintains a list of predatory publishers. Donald Samulack, President, US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, speaks to Jeffrey Beall at the Council of Science Editors Annual Meeting held in San Antonio in May 2014 where they co-presented a session titled Predatory Publishers: How to Recognize Publishing Fraud. In this interview series, Beall talks about the tricks that predatory publishers use to lure authors, explains how authors can avoid falling prey to unscrupulous publishers, and shares his views on how the publishing industry can deal with this menace.

Jeffrey Beall has been a librarian for more than 23 years and is currently the Scholarly Initiatives Librarian at the University of Colorado Denver. In 2012, he was awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor. Previously, he was on the editorial board of Cataloguing and Classification Quarterly.
Beall is renowned for his activities against predatory open access publishing, a term that he coined in 2010. In the same year, he published his first list of predatory journals, with less than 20 names. This list has since grown and is now a comprehensive list, well known as Beall's List of Predatory Publishers. He is also the author of the blog Scholarly Open Access, where he regularly updates the scholarly community about the goings-on in the world of OA, and identifies potential, possible, and probable predatory journals and publishers.
In this video, Beall explains how some fraud or predatory publishers are misusing the open access model to dupe authors. He gives useful tips on how authors can recognize predatory journals and what precautionary steps they should follow to ensure that they do not fall prey to such journals.
Donald Samulack, President, US Operations, Editage, Cactus Communications, speaks to Jeffrey Beall at the of Council of Science Editors Annual Meeting held in San Antonio in May 2014 where they co-presented a session titled Predatory Publishers: How to Recognize Publishing Fraud.
Published on: Jun 05, 2014
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