
Science Communication

Public investment into scientific R&D has plateaued across the world, and this transition seems to have affected basic research the most. It it were the year 1960…
Basic research versus applied science: Which research would you fund?
Euan Adie is founder and CEO of London-based start-up Altmetric, which tracks online activity relating to scholarly literature. Altmetric was founded in 2011, emerging…
In this first part of our video interview, Dr. John Willinsky provokes thoughtful discussion on the future of academic research and more broadly, a knowledge-based…
Beyond open access: Sharing research-derived knowledge with society
This post suggests a few language-related strategies for researchers to explain abstract or difficult-to-grasp concepts to the general public.
6 Quick and easy ways to better explain science to non-scientists
In recent years, many research groups have been working independently to develop metrics that measure the impact of published research. The journal impact factor is a…
How citation metrics can help you benchmark your research impact
So you’ve completed your study and published your paper in the journal of your choice. Now you want to make your paper accessible to more and more readers within and…
How to make your paper more accessible through self-archiving
Impact factors, the h-index, and other measures of assessing research journals and researchers are all based on citations. The basic logic is simple: if other…
DOI for papers; ORCID for authors
A poster presentation is the perfect opportunity for you to highlight the importance of your research for people attending the conference. Posters are like billboards…